Ever dreamed of constructing a combat mech with a toilet instead of a cockpit? We have the right mods for you. Want to “point the way” to your abuser and give him extra boost with a kick? You are welcome.
The Garry’s Mod workshop has literally everything.

Well, how can we not mention the simplest possible installation of add-ons and the ability to tinkle with the engine without having to study the hardware? At that time, the genre of sandbox had not yet become boring to the gaming community, and the banal opportunity to play off a crowd of NPCs or assemble your own spaceship using the dendrofecal principle of construction already seemed like something cool. Perhaps it is the ability to do literally anything and how you want that has become the main secret of success. And for those who were able to master the work with Source, Garry’s Mod became a real testing ground for their creations with the opportunity to share them with the whole world. All you need is a gravity gun, a crowbar and a couple of buttons. ” And then – surprise! A game appears that allows you to fulfill this desire without any knowledge of programming. Naturally, many players began to think, “It would be cool to create something of your own on this engine. Yes, the good old Source was once a revolutionary engine that forced everyone to pick up dropping jaws due to incredibly well-developed physics for those times, gorgeous graphics and amazing functionality.

When Half-Life 2 was released, many were surprised not at all by the plot and setting, but by the game engine itself. You can join its community and experience all the fun first-handedly playing it online! A little history Harry Newman seriously thought about these things, as a result of which Garry’s Mod was released – a game that grew out of mod and changed the way players think about modding. However, have you ever thought about a game that is all about mods? Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes giving players the right to entertain themselves on their own is a more successful and interesting decision than trying to take them on another mission to save the world from universal evil or force them to exterminate terrorists in some “country of democracy”. Even a frankly weak game can be “rehabilitated” with a couple of good mods. Modding is a favorite pastime for gamers.